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The JOBS Act: Potential Impact on the Sale of Hotel Condominium Units

Co-authored by Brian L. Belt Changes in federal securities laws—namely,  the loosening of rules on solicitation and advertising—may have opened up a new vista for investors and speculators, such that the sale of hotel condominium units could become both more profitable and more common.  What follows are details of these changes and their expected impact. ...
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Hospitality Litigation: Asset Managers, Hotel Operators and Franchisors

Originally published on In the hotel industry, the myriad of complex business relationships also creates legal land-mines for the unwary. In that regard, hotel asset managers, hotel operators and franchisors should be extremely mindful of their legal obligations to their client, the owner of the hotel. Even if the hotel is a single asset, ...
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An Introduction to Data-Driven Decisions for Managers Who Don’t Like Math

Not a week goes by without us publishing something here at HBR about the value of data in business. Big data, small data, internal, external, experimental, observational — everywhere we look, information is being captured, quantified, and used to make business decisions. Not everyone needs to become a quant. But it is worth brushing up ...
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Improper Tip Pooling Targeted in Class Action Lawsuits

The use of class action lawsuits against large corporations over allegedly illegal tip pooling arrangements is increasingly common. This work examines the use of class action lawsuits for this type of lawsuit and analyzes two recent cases from Massachusetts and New York targeting the legality of Starbucks’ tip-pooling policy under the laws of each state ...
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The Challenges that Hotel Brands Face in Paid Search

When you type the name of a hotel brand into a search engine, you’ll probably encounter a large number of text ads placed by online travel agencies (OTAs). Bidding and placing ads on variations of hotel brand names is a very common practice and has even led some in the hospitality industry to refer to ...
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Public-Private Partnerships and the Hospitality Industry

Public-private partnerships (P3s) are not a new phenomenon, but they are an expanding and increasingly necessary one. As local governments compete with each other for tourism dollars and a finicky and demanding workforce, the hospitality industry has become a focus of potential P3s as a way to revitalize fatigued districts and compete with the city ...
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Boutique Hotel Brands From ‘Legacy’ Chains – Will They Work?

It is clear that the boutique hotel niche is longer occupied by just a handful of rogue, counter cultural hoteliers. The evolution of lifestyle hotels from a very small, extremely specialized industry segment, to its current status as one of the fastest growing product types, has been nothing short of astounding. It is sometimes debated ...
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